Wednesday 1 June 2011

The Bournemouth Daily Echo (June 2011)

Company: The Bournemouth Echo, Bournemouth

Mentored by Darren Slade (Chief Reporter)

June 2011 - Two week placement

Three Monarchs star David Conway toured with Morecambe and Wise to the Black and White Minstrels. The virtuoso harmonica entertainer scaled the UK performing with some of the most prestigious acts, now 50 years since his first summer season in Bournemouth he recalls his life in showbiz. (To read the feature click on the captions below) 

Click on the text for a shortened
account on the Bournemouth Echo's website.

After reading the piece David and his wife Pauline kindly sent a letter thanking me for the write-up.

Letter from David and Pauline.


Driving Awareness Courses were set to become the most expensive in the country. Motorists caught speeding amongst other offences could opt to pay the course fee of £105 to negate any points that would have been put onto their license. An average of £30 more than any other part of England. 


In this piece I went out onto the streets of Bournemouth to vox-pop the public and spoke to someone  who had previously endured the Driving Awareness Course.

Click on text for online edition
Simon Hibbard, 52, said: "[I found the course] extremely belittling, they talked down to you and constantly tried to make you sound stupid."

Story summaries:
  • Health and safety training plea to farm and agriculture workers after the sector was revealed to have the highest injury rate of any in England
  • Dorset Diadem, a train that ran from Hastings to Purbeck returned after a 40 year hiatus
  • A warning of rising thefts in car parks near surrounding the New Forest
  • Free dance lessons at Bournemouth's Pavillion Centre
  • Dorset libraries appealed for volunteers to help with their children's reading project
  • Bournemouth Orchid Society received 15 awards for their green fingered passion
  • A 'guess the amount of flower heads' competition was launched to help raise money to more Charminster a more attractive place to live

The Bournemouth Advertiser

 Conducting vox-pops to find out the dieting secrets from the women of Bournemouth.